Barrowford St Thomas C.E. Primary School

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Wheatley Lane Road, Nelson, Lancashire, BB9 6QT

01282 614462

Barrowford St Thomas C.E. Primary School

Our vision is to be a school where all can flourish and grow in God's love.

  2. Subjects
  3. Physical Education and Sport


All children follow the National Curriculum for Physical Education, which promotes a healthy lifestyle, co-operation and opportunities for individual practice and team work. 


We aim to ensure that all pupils:

  • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  • are physically active for sustained periods of time
  • engage in competitive sports and activities
  • lead healthy, active lives.

P.E. lessons are comprised of dance, gymnastics, games, athletics and outdoor activities.  A range of resources is used to support teaching and learning in P.E.  Small and large apparatus is used in indoor lessons in the hall, as well as CDs to support dance activities.  A variety of dance traditions is taught.

The school has extensive grassed areas, which are used for sports, particularly in the summer term.  We also benefit from some outside tuition in sports from professional coaches purchased through the sports funding for schools.

We believe that a high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. We aim for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness and that opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.

PE/Sport which does not utilise sport funding

  • Two PE sessions for each child per week
  • Daily use of the running track on the top field
  • Year 3 and 4 weekly swimming lesson for one half-term (summer) for two years
  • Annual sports day
  • Some sport clubs after school run by teachers

The PE Subject Leader is Mrs Lesley Lahey


Sports Premium

 To see how we use our sports funding (click here)

Extra-curricular sport

Click here for more information about our extra curricular sports clubs

PE Policy

Planning and progression in skills

At Barrowford St Thomas, we follow the Lancashire scheme of work which we access through the PE Passport app.

Our successful football team 2023 - 24

Our football team came second in their league this year. Well done all!

Our successful netball team 2023 - 24

Our netball team came second in the top Pendle league this year. Well done all especially as all our players are Year 5; our girls were playing Year 6 girls in the other teams! We are hoping for even greater success next year, when our girls enter Year 6!

Further successes this year! (2023 - 24)

  • Fully trained Year 5 play-leaders have led sport activities with KS1; these children will continue to lead games when they enter Year 6.
  • Running track has been used throughout the year by all classes.
  • Teaching Assistant leads sporting activities with KS2 every lunchtime
  • Significant increase in the number of pupils who attended external sporting events through Pendle Sports Partnership within the school day and after school.
  • All Y5/6 pupils have received bikeability training
  • Booster swimming sessions have led to a number of pupils achieving National Curriculum expectations
  • Successful five day outdoor adventurous activity residential for our Y6 pupils at Winmarleigh
  • Cross Country: Three out of the eight children who entered, reached the Cross-Country final in Blackburn
  • Athletics: our pupils qualified for the Pendle final
  • Swimming: Our school achieved second place in the Pendle small school swimming gala.

The Grand Opening of our new running track: The Right Track in May 2023

Having received £10K from Northstone and Peel L and P, plus £1000 from our PTFA FOSTS, we have managed to build a new running track on our school field. Our field has always been too wet and muddy to use throughout the year, so we are delighted that our children can now access this space in all weathers throughout the year to improve their fitness - and have fun! We had a grand opening ceremony on Friday 12th June, a super way to celebrate the end of SATs week! The running track was opened by our MP, The Right Honourable Andrew Stephenson. Following a competition, the track was named 'The Right Track' by our Year 2 winner, Sienna. As Sienna said,  all the students in St Thomas including herself are on the right track in their education. It is important to exercise, to keep healthy and fit and that will happen if you are on the right track! Well done Sienna. Each year group ran around the track to their chosen piece of music. We also invited staff and pupils from Barrowford Primary who we hope will also be able to use our track and leaders of the uniformed organisations from our church who we hope will use the track in the evenings and at weekends. We want our track to be enjoyed by the community, not just by us.

Our Netball team summer 2023

In April 2023, we began playing league matches against other schools in the Pendle area. The first matches inform Pendle Sports Partnership which league we will be placed in. We were delighted that in our team won all of the first five matches and were placed in the top (diamond) league!

Our football team spring 2023

Our football team were successfully promoted to the top league (legends league) and following a number of matches, came joint first! The league included many bigger schools so this was such a great achievement.


Athletics spring 2023

We had great success in the small school athletics this year. Our team won the Pendle District and were then taken through to the small school Lancashire finals in Blackpool. We were placed 7 out of 12 teams. We are so proud that our pupils did so well and that they represented Pendle with such pride.


Swimming gala spring 2023

After two years of no galas due to COVID, it was good to take a team of swimmers to the Pendle Swimming Gala. Although we were not highly placed, the children competed well and represented our school with pride.


Y6 Benchball success: October 2022

Members of our Y6 cohort competed against 12 other schools as part of a Pendle Sports Partnership after school event at Pendle Vale. Our children were great competitors and won all of their matches. Well done!

Our Athletics team spring 2022   

Congratulations to our athletics team who reached the Lancashire School Games, small school Sportshall athletics county finals 2022.

The finals took place in Blackpool on Tuesday 8th March (am) and we came fourth out of twelve schools. We are very proud of our team!

Our Netball team summer 2022   

Congratulations to our netball team who were silver medal winners in the Pendle Small School league. Great competitors!


Our Year 3 and 4 children at Quads Kids!


Sports Day