Barrowford St Thomas C.E. Primary School

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Wheatley Lane Road, Nelson, Lancashire, BB9 6QT

01282 614462

Barrowford St Thomas C.E. Primary School

Our vision is to be a school where all can flourish and grow in God's love.

  2. Extra Curricular
  3. Singing Group

Singing Group

Our singing group takes place after school and is led by Mrs Duckworth, who plays the piano.


Singing group is for Key Stage 2 children. 


Singing group currently takes place on a Thursday after school from 3.15pm to 4.15pm.


In Singing Group, we learn songs for Education Sunday, Harvest and the Carol Service in St Thomas' Church.


We also learn songs for a concert during the summer term. We perform for parents and grandparents in our school hall.


Singing group have also performed in the local community. At Christmas time, they performed in Barrowford Library (alongside children from Barrowford Primary), in Booths café and in Nelson's market. 


Last year we learnt songs from shows in which children have a starring role. We performed our concert in May to  the children in school and to our parents. It was hugely successful. 


This year, we have already performed in church on Education Sunday and are due to perform in our Harvest Festival in October. We are currently learning songs for an 'Old Time Music Hall' to perform next summer.


We all love to sing!

Singing Group at Pendle Community Hospital: December 2023

Our Singing group were invited to sing Christmas songs and carols at Pendle Community Hospital. We sang in three different wards for the patients. I was very proud of all the children and hopefully we brought some Christmas spirit into the hospital this season.

Singing Group 2024: ABBA and Beatles Concert

Fantastic singing from all our singers as they performed a number of ABBA and Beatles songs for the school, parents and grandparents in June as part of our MADD (Music, art, drama and dance) week.

Singing Group 2023: An Old Time Music Hall

I was  SO impressed with the children who took part in this performance. We have been learning the songs for a Victorian style Old Time Music Hall from September in our after-school singing club. Along the way, some children left the group, but we were left with 16 enthusiastic and talented children aged from Year 3 to Year 6 who fully engaged with the concept. We added movement, costumes, comedy and sketches. Parents were fully involved and came up to take part in Old McDuckworth's farm (hilarious), Chick chick chick chick chicken and the Lambeth Walk. They even joined in with the singing of 'Down at the Old Bull and Bush' at the end. The children got a well deserved standing ovation. I was SO proud of them.

This is some of the feedback received from a parent...

I just wanted to email you to say WOW and a big WELL DONE to you all. The huge amount of work you have put in was obvious for all to see and the audience were kept entertained from start to finish. The children watching the production must get a mention too, fantastic behaviour! Thank you

Clips of our performance from 2022 can be seen by clicking our 'Music' page here (link).