Barrowford St Thomas C.E. Primary School

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Wheatley Lane Road, Nelson, Lancashire, BB9 6QT

01282 614462

Barrowford St Thomas C.E. Primary School

Our vision is to be a school where all can flourish and grow in God's love.

  2. Subjects
  3. Relationship Education and Health Education


At St. Thomas’s our vision for PSHE is that all children develop the knowledge and skills they need to keep themselves healthy, safe and prepared for life in our ever changing world. We aim to develop children’s confidence and resilience to enable them to make positive choices in their lives.

Our PSHE curriculum is tailored to meet our children’s needs and through the topics –


  • Families and close positive relationships
  • Friendships
  • Managing hurtful behaviour and bullying
  • Safe relationships
  • Respecting self and others

Health and wellbeing

  • Healthy lifestyles (Physical wellbeing)
  • Mental health
  • Ourselves, growing and changing
  • Keeping safe
  • Drugs, alcohol and tobacco

Living in the wider world

  • Shared responsibilities
  • Communities
  • Media literacy and digital resilience and online safety
  • Economic wellbeing: Money
  • Economic wellbeing: aspirations, work and career

Through these topics children will have the opportunities to explore their attitudes, values and beliefs about issues. They are taught skills, language and strategies that they will need to manage these issues if they ever need to.

At St Thomas' we use a variety of resources as recommended by the PSHE Association; in particular we buy into and utilise 1Decision (a PSHE Association Quality Assured Resource) as a main teaching resource.


Long term plan

Scheme of work

Resources linked to scheme of work

What the children should know and remember in PSHE


Young Leaders' Award

As a school we have now bought into the Archbishop of York's Young Leaders' Award. This project is being led by our PSHE lead, Mrs White and will introduced in Key Stage 1 from spring 2023. When the project is established in KS1, it will be cascaded into KS2 probably from autumn 2023. Our school will be joining many others across England who are involved in changing their communities for the better. We are confident that our Award will have a positive impact on our young leaders as well as on the life of our school and our local community of Barrowford.

YLA (Young Leaders Award)


Kidsafe UK

Barrowford St Thomas is a KidSafe UK Registered Provider. In Summer 2022 we delivered the programme to our Yr 1 to Y6 pupils. The programme was delivered by a trained teacher, Mrs Lisa Bannister.

KidSafe UK Children’s Mental Health & Safeguarding, founded in 2001 by Val Webb and Jude Walker, provides schools with in-depth training materials enabling any member of staff to deliver KidSafe UK programmes directly to your pupils from Early Years Foundation Stage through to High School.

KidSafe programmes are age appropriate and delivered to children without shattering their innocence, all KidSafe UK programmes contribute significantly to Ofsted PSHE, RSE and KCSiE.

KidSafe UK Children’s Mental Health & Safeguarding is proactive, not reactive.

We wholeheartedly believe that educating children directly and empowering them to speak out to a trusted grown-up about anything that is having a detrimental impact on their mental health and emotional wellbeing will help break cycles associated childhood trauma.

Statutory Guidance


Blackburn Diocesan guidance