Barrowford St Thomas C.E. Primary School

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Wheatley Lane Road, Nelson, Lancashire, BB9 6QT

01282 614462

Barrowford St Thomas C.E. Primary School

Our vision is to be a school where all can flourish and grow in God's love.

  2. Learning Powers

Learning Powers

At St Thomas' we think it is very important that children understand that they are learners and that they have a role to play as a learner.  We therefore believe that children should be taught how to learn and that there are certain skills they can develop which will mean they are more effective and successful lifelong learners.  We have developed a set of 'learning powers' with the children and these help them to become better learners.  Each one is a character which is unique to Barrowford St Thomas!  The children have loved learning about them and are now talking about them, telling us which learning powers they are using! Each week, our Good News winner for each year group shows characteristics of one or more of these learning powers.